BSB 10/11/1985 Sunday

BSB 10/11/1985 Sunday

I stayed at Ana Amelia’s in the morning. In the afternoon Vivi, Renata, Ana, Alexandra and I went to Cristina’s house. The last few times I’ve seen her she said she was 4 months pregnant, but in truth she’s only 3, but looks about 5 months pregnant. It seems they might be twins.

Later me, Vivi (fearful of Pedro), Pedro, Cristina and Alexandra went to Wilma’s baby shower. Wilma is Pedro’s sister. She’s 6 months pregnant. Vivi and Pedro walked back alone. Cristina, Alexandra and I hitched a lift back. Vivi and Pedro had a stupid argument, because she’s totally paranoid about the macumba. I still think it’s bullshit, because Vivi and Pedro had an argument with Welma recently and she’s now making trouble.

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