BSB 10/09/1985 Tuesday

BSB 10/09/1985 Tuesday

In PAE I got 25 points! I was one point behind Gleice, but now I’m well ahead, with 115. I saw Henrique and Riba when I was going to 2nd period. They said they put some gossip about me on the school newspaper, then said they didn’t. Just in case I sent some gossip about them. Got the Science test back and got a B. After school I walked with Henrique, Marcelinho, Riba, Daniele and Claudia. Just banter and jokes. At the bus stop Daniele looked at me and, what a cheek!, she just asked
So, do you like Henrique or Marcelo?
None of them – I said
Why don’t you tell them, then I can dispatch whichever one you want! – she said that as though she thinks she’s the best
I sniggered and said ‘poor deluded you’ Then she said
I’m only joking. Marcelinho doesn’t give a shit about me but Henrique is always following me around.
I didn’t say anything anymore to avoid a fight. On the bus she was bugging me, stepping on my foot, pulling my hair. I got fed up and shouted: FOR FUCKS SAKE DANIELE, STOP BEING SUCH A PEST! YOU ARE SO ANNOYING! Everyone on the bus stared at her and she left me alone.

Orlando has finally left English classes. The teacher gave back our tests, I got a C+, grrrr! I only made three mistakes but they were important. Henrique and I walked back and I told him the conversation I had with Daniele at the bus stop, Henrique was understandably angry and said he didn’t like her, he just wanted to kiss her.

When I got home the phone rang and it was him, we were on the phone for 35 minutes and we only stopped because I put the phone down on him. The bastard said he called Daniele and told her I told him what she told me at the bus stop, then he said he hadn’t. Then he declared his love for me, then he said he was joking, then he was mumbling, so I put the phone down on him, as I wanted to have a shower. After my shower I called him again and we talked more. Then he asked me to call Daniele but she wasn’t home.

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