BSB 10/08/1985 Saturday

BSB 10/08/1985 Saturday

It’s the first anniversary of me writing a diary. Now that I’m used to it is hard not to write.

In the morning: dance rehearsal. Today was also the christening day for our group ‘Grupo de Dança Corponatureza’, so instead of finishing rehearsal at noon, we finished at 10:40. A dance group can be christened in the street in many ways. We did it by stopping cars and painting the group’s name on the floor. We did this on the 406/407 commercial centre (in front of the academy) and 205/206, where Summer is. As there’s no traffic lights, the girls would stop cars and Cristina and I, using oil painting and brush, painted the floor. We caused a traffic jam (we’d let the cars go every now and then), all the pedestrians were watching us paint. After that we went to 205/206 – there are traffic lights there, but it’s worse, because the lights only close for a little bit of time and when it opens the cars just want to go. We just painted on the side of the road instead. The christening finished at 11:30 and we went home. I washed my hair when I got in. There were 20 of us girls doing the christening thing.

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