BSB 10/06/85 Monday

BSB 10/06/85 Monday

Coldest dawn since Brasilia was inaugurated. Can you believe: 3.4c!!!! It’s a cold front, it should last for 3 days maximum, this is what the meteorologists say, shame, I really love the cold. Everyone was wearing their coats… In PE year 7 did their resistance test. Orlando was wearing one of my gloves and I wore the other. In Portuguese the whole class was rehearsing, 6 groups. The play is on Friday, adapted from any text. I left the group I was in and formed a new one with Orlando, Johny, Lara, Pat Lima, Fernanda and Gleice. We will present ‘Volta as aulas’ (Back to school), by Carlos Eduardo Novaes, from the book ‘Para gostar de ler’ (For enjoying reading). We were in the library and the bell rang, Orlando took my gloves and I ran after him, grabbed his bag and ran to the PCS classroom. Orlando stayed in PAE and at the end of the class I gave him his bag back in return for my gloves. In PAE the person with the most questions answered correctly wins prizes. Pat Lima won and she will get a volleyball and two more gifts. Let’s see if I can win something next semester!

In the afternoon, after Dance, we went to stationary shop in 206, to check out the prices for a raffle book. We went to 207 (in 206 the raffle book cost 500crz), they didn’t have any there. So we got a lift to 105 and there it cost 1,400crz. So we bought the one from the shop at 206, we were starving so we went to a pizzeria at 206, we ate and Cristina paid (it cost 35,000) with the blank cheque her mum had given her to buy the raffle book. Tomorrow me, Ana and Alexandra will buy some more raffle books.

At the restaurant, which was empty, thankfully, Alexandra was cutting her last piece of pizza and dropped her plate, with all the food, on her lap. I never laughed so hard. She didn’t look very happy though, and put the plate on the table. The waiter, trying hard not to burst out laughing, helped her clear herself. Hilarious. Then we went to Cristina’s house to chat. I got home at 19:10.
In São Paulo, yesterday, a fireworks shop exploded and five people died. Now there’ll be no end of Globo campaigning against fireworks. Yesterday it was -3 in the surrounding area of Brasilia and the frost ruined a few crops. The Winter is also harsh in Rio.

There’s some things about Cristina I didn’t say. She’s done so much in her life already. She lived for 1 year in Belo Horizonte, said she was an executive aged 14 (I don’t believe that one) and got pregnant, also age 14. Beto, was the father, they were together and she got pregnant. They were happy and were buying things for the baby, but Cristina has a problem in her uterus and unfortunately lost the baby. After that her and Beto split up, then got together together again. About 3 months ago they were engaged, but now they fought again. According to Cristina they fight so much because they love each other so much.