BSB 09/09/1985 Monday

BSB 09/09/1985 Monday

Today is Lara’s birthday. During the first two lessons we had Maths test and everyone did badly. During the break me, Henrique, Pat Lima and Riba were together. Henrique was being weird, he said because he was tired. Orlando looked cute today. I walked back with Daniele, she said she started to fancy Marcelinho and Riba. She said she thinks Henrique is ‘square’ and treats people badly. I said that wasn’t true, and she said he treated me well because I was his best friend, if not more… I looked at her and said that if I wanted something with him I already had plenty of opportunities for something to happen. It’s a big lie, obviously, but she doesn’t know that.

In the afternoon I went to the nail bar with Renata. We wore our jeans inside out and everyone thought we were mad.

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