BSB 09/05/85 Thursday

BSB 09/05/85 Thursday

Today was class rep meeting for our year, year 8. At the start of the 1st period we went to Doralice’s class, Marcelinho and Giba were in the corridor, when we came out they were still there. Marcelinho grabbed my Blitz record (I took it in to lend to Karina), and I kicked him on his foot.

The first class to be assessed at the meeting was 8B. I was nervous, but when I walked in the room the atmosphere was relaxed and I calmed down a bit. Just a bit. After the meeting we went to the Venancio 2000 shopping centre. The girls did some shopping and we looked for a fossil to get for our History teacher. We saw a large one for 80,000crz and we will try to do a collection to get a new one, being as we broke one of hers. I got home at 11:30am.

The new governor of Brasilia is Jose Aparecido de Oliveira.

The dollar is at 5,110crz in the official market and 6,000crz in the black market.

I had an English test in the afternoon.