BSB 08/11/1985 Friday

BSB 08/11/1985 Friday

I forgot to tell you. Since Tuesday we have a new maid: Ivonete. Mrs Dora was missing too many days, things went missing. Ivonete sleeps here, unlike Mrs. Dora who came everyday then went back home. I miss Mrs. Dora though, she was like a family member.

Today was the draw for secret santa and I got Tatiana. I was holding the names with my hands, when Orlando went to take his he grabbed my hand, then smiled, then acted a bit awkwardly!

The annoying girls in my class decided to make a newsletter for the class, printing 4 editions so far. Except they put some really bad gossip about Luciana, who told the office, and there was a lot of trouble!

We had a Maths test today, I didn’t quite get the new stuff we learned, but the test was easy. Didn’t see Marcelo or Henrique today.

It rained all day today. It rained so hard in the afternoon, it was so noisy. I was just looking out of the window, so nice, watching the rain!

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