BSB 08/08/1985 Thursday

BSB 08/08/1985 Thursday

School was good today. Portuguese flew by. In PAE me and Lara got 25 points – Henrique, who had a lesson before us, lent me his notes with all questions/answers. All the questions he asked me, Lara, Fabiane or Karina we got right.

The Maths lesson went fast too, because my mum was talking to the teacher. Today was parent’s day but my mum couldn’t go because she is travelling to Goiania and comes back tomorrow.

In the break I went to register our teams that will be playing on Monday. Karina, Fabi and I talked with Dani and she showed us the 8 stitches on her arm. She broke a window running after Aline (they were playing) yesterday.

In the last period, instead of Dance, all three year 8s and 7s went to the auditorium to watch some guy talk about the Navy, the purpose being to get people to enter a writing competition run by the Navy. I’m not taking part. It was chaos. The only good thing was that I got to sit in front of Henrique and Riba. The talk only finished at 12:10 but me, Karina and Fabi escaped from the auditorium before the bell rang, Dani was waiting for us. I got on the bus alone because Dani didn’t want to run for the bus because of her arm. Carlinhos was on the same bus and Renata too, I had to scream at her to get in as she wasn’t going to. Half the people on the streets and bus stared at me because of that.

In English, I was talking to some people and spotted Henrique on a desk, nearby, as he was looking at me I waved back and we stared at each other for a few seconds. I still don’t like the teacher. Orlando and I walked back together.

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