BSB 08/06/85 Saturday

BSB 08/06/85 Saturday ALREADY!?!?!

Woke up at 6:36 and washed my hair. The sky was blue and beautiful, but it was very cold, around 14c. For us, not used to it, it’s seriously cold… At around 9:40 me, Alex, Renata and Cristiane (she stayed at Renata’s house) went to 406, to Cristina’s house, to pick up our dishes/containers and ended up staying there until 11:50.

We counted the money and the total was precisely 736,200crz. About half of what we were expecting. As this money is small poo and we want big shit (at least 3 million) tomorrow we might to to the Eixāo (‘Axis’, it’s the main road, cutting through the city from South to North) de Lazer (‘Leisure’, a day when they close the Eixāo to traffic) to sell the remaining cold drinks as there was a lot left (we only sold two craters as it was very cold) as the Skol people are only meant to pick the remaining ones on Monday. They were meant to come today but they didn’t turn up, so we thought we’d sell the remaining ones…

Cristina’s mum, from what I understood, got hold of some good furs and there will be a raffle for them.

This afternoon, it’s 17:47 we are at 35 mins of the second half of Brazil vs Chile, in Porto Alegre. It’s 3×1 to Brazil, and despite the result Brazil is playing very badly (says she who knows all about football!)