BSB 08/05/85 Wednesday

BSB 08/05/85 Wednesday

Today was the class rep meeting for year 7. The boy who I think threw chewing gum at my hair seems to be called Tairona. We didn’t have PE, so Patricias, Karina, Lara and I rehearsed for the play. During the break we found out we would have the last two periods free. We stayed at the gym. Frederico and Ernando (the boy Patricia Figueiredo fancies) were there. We made them talk to each other and Karina to Frederico. He asked her to be his girlfriend, and she said she wanted to get to know him better. Same thing happened with Patricia. We then went to the benches at the front. Paulo, Osama and Palhaço arrived, and Palhaço told lots of jokes. He really represents his nickname (Palhaço = clown). During the last period most classes had no lessons, most students stayed in school. Went home when the last bell rang.