BSB 08/02/85 Friday

BSB 08/02/85 Friday

In the morning Renata, Vivi, Nica and I hung around at the end of the I block. There was a really ugly bloke
near us and Renata started talking to him, he is from Bahia and is spending his holidays here. We went home
at noon, Vivi had lunch at Renata’s. We went out at 2 and went to the shops, I wanted to buy a new diary, but it
cost 4,000 and I only had 3,800. I went to Wrangler and bought a really nice hair thing, one that everyone has.

On our way back Andre drove past on his Garelli and we called him. I nearly kissed him but we started arguing
straight away. Typical stuff of two people who fancy each other. I don’t really understand how I feel about him.
When he is not interested in me I really fancy him. When we go out or he asks me to go steady with him (he’s
asked me 4 times and we had a ‘thing’ once) I just don’t want to know. I think I love him as a good friend and I
only realise it when he wants to take things further.

Andre went for a ride and we went to Viviene’s to pick up her medicine (for her head). We then went to Renata’s to have chocolate porridge. We washed the dishes after eating and then came to mine, to play cards. My mum arrived and asked me to buy some milk for the cats. At 5:00 we went to the bakery to buy milk (It’s 23:00 and it’s raining a lot). On the way back Vivi went up and we went to the I block; Cleiton, Negao, Andre and … Celio! Celio used to live here until last year and it was great fun.

We were chatting (me holding a bag of milk), I chatted a lot with Andre (no arguments). Celio, who is a bit of a
sex maniac, asked me out and wouldn’t leave me alone. Andre asked to borrow the Summer 85 record. I told
him to come back tonight so I could give it to him, then I went home. In the evening I called Vivi and then we
went to get Renata who was having a shower. We went to the I block and Well arrived (I was missing him!).

Andre arrived and we translated tile song titles on my record while Vivi and Well snogged each other to death,
for a change. Eunice showed up and we went to the playground (Andre, Renata, Eunice and I), Eunice and
Renata went back to the I block and I stayed talking to Andre. Then I wanted to go back so everyone but Andre
didn’t so I just left him there. Then he came back and we were messing around trying to see who was the
strongest. I got bored and sat down. I don’t know why after that Andre stopped talking to me, he just said
goodbye and left. And the fool arranged right there in front of me to call Renata tonight at 10 to arrange about
us going to the club tomorrow. I really wish we could be friends but it seems he wants more. Earlier on Cleiton
was messing about and hugging me, Andre told him to stop being a pain and leave me alone!