BSB 07/08/1985

BSB 07/08/1985 Wednesday

Met Asclêpiades at the bus stop and we went to school together. In PE all the girls played dodgeball. The teacher had to travel to São Paulo for some tests. The Geography lesson was cool while the RE lesson was crap, Eunice was in a stupid mood and the class was restless. What an annoying lesson it was. In the break I saw Marcelinho, his hair looked odd, blonde at the top. On the way out Dani told me that he went to Rio, got a nice tattoo on his back. He’s really tanned. His hair is that colour because they put parafina on his hair, as a surfer’s joke. She also said she was going out with Marcelo but I don’t believe her, she said this before and it wasn’t true.

After the break we were called for the class rep meeting for all the classes at the library. Both Lara and I went, From 8C only Alexandre went, Quenia decided to stay in the Geography lesson. Alexandre insisted on sitting next to me, he sort of pushed Lara out of the way to sit there, it was a bit embarrassing. During the meeting it was announced we will be having lots of games on Monday – sports day. The year 5s and 6 will play dodgeball. The 3 year 7s and 8s will play volleyball. All the boys will also play 5 a side football. This is to celebrate the ‘Day of the Student’. At the end of the meeting which took up 1 and a half periods, we prayed ‘Our Father’ and held hands. I had to hold Alexandre’s hand. After that Lara and I went back to class, for the last 20 minutes and to make the announcement about the games.

In the afternoon we went to Dance, lots of people were watching today, Ronaldi (Beto’s brother), Welma, Vivi, Alexandra (she didn’t do the lesson), Ivone, Nica and Valeria. All these people played buraco at Valeria’s later on, except for Welma, who had a massive argument with Ronaldi and left. She told everyone she got off with Beto, but apparently that’s not true, and Ronali had a big argument with her. This big argument happened just before I arrived.

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