BSB 07/05/85 Tuesday

BSB 07/05/85 Tuesday

Hello! The war in favour of democratic elections is finally over. Jose Sarney said that soon the constitution will be amended, permitting direct elections and the end of the electoral assembly. I will probably get to vote in the next election for president!

In the north-east some depressing numbers from the floodings
In Maranhao there are 275 thousand homeless people
In Piaui 170 thousand homeless
In Para 285 thousand homeless
In Rio Grande do Norte, 130 thousand homeless
In Paraiba, 20 thousand
Pernambuco, 700 homeless
Alagoas, 7 thousand
Sergipe, 15 thousand homeless
Bahia, 8 thousand.

The dollar is at 5,070crz in the official market and 5,850crz in the black market.

Today in school was the day of class rep meetings for year 6 and school was a bit boring. The PCS lesson was dull. The teacher asked to look at my work and meanwhile I was by the blackboard drawing and writing my nickname. During Science, my group went to rehearse for the play. We spent the whole lesson rehearsing and the Science teacher wasn’t impressed. During the break we walked around a bit, went to gym and stayed there until the bell rang. The teacher didn’t show up for ages so we went to year 8B’s class (Karina and I) and drew stuff on the blackboard. Then Guilherme and Pig turned up and Pig made Guilherme give Karina 3 pecs on the cheek. She was over the moon. I went to my class, drew more stuff on the blackboard, argued with Orlando, as he wrote my name badly on the board. At the end of Portuguese, Lara and I went to the class representative’s meeting. During free period we ate lots of ice-cream.