BSB 07/02/85 Thursday

BSB 07/02/85 Thursday

Today was a pain of a day. Mrs Dora didn’t show up and the house was a mess! There was cat shit
everywhere, which I didn’t clean. Renata stayed here listening to music. Around 11 I wrote a letter to Cristina,
in Vila Velha (the one who stayed with Gil for one night). We went to the post office and posted the letter. On
the way I bought the official Rock In Rio guide, for 7,000, it was really expensive but as I am such a well trained consumer I bought it. There was a sticker which said “I was there”, which I stuck on my window. The post office is at the 408 and he walked there and back under a scorching sun. We went to our respective homes and at 3:30 Renata called me to go to hers, we watched Charlie’s Angels and I was just dying to go out. We did (at 5: 15) but there wasn’t anyone downstairs. Negao showed up at around 5:40, then Cleiton, then William. They told me that Ascle (Asclepiades!) went to Rock In Rio. Negao and Cleiton were there too. Then it started raining and we ran for cover under the C block, and I am not exaggerating, it was the worst storm I’ve ever seen in my life. It was really strong and windy and we got soaked even though we were under cover. I suggested we get into Renata’s entrance hall, which was flooded. The rain stopped at 7: 15 (it started at 6:30).

I went home and then Renata called me at 8:30 to go to hers with the cards. No one was on the streets so we went up to hers and played 3 games of buraco. Then we talked shit and had a laugh. We went to Renata’s brother’s bedroom (Rodrigo) and listened to some music and laughed some more. I went home at 22:00.

Flamengo played Palmeiras today and won 1×0. Nice one Flamengo!