BSB 06/11/1985 Wednesday

BSB 06/11/1985 Wednesday

School was boring, the only good thing was Marcelo. I’m not even talking to him properly, but when I walked past him he kept blocking my way. I need to forget Henrique as it seems we’re not even friends anymore.

In the afternoon Alexandra and I went to Park Shopping. We had to hitch three lifts to get there. We went there to take some trousers from C&A. Ended up taking lots of stuff. I got: three trousers (2 jeans and one black with white musical notes), 3 shirts, 1 skirt and 1 jeans short-skirt. I added it all up at home and it would have cost 1340 thousand. Alexandra only got 650 thousand’s worth, I took a lot more. In total 10 items. I’ve no idea how I did it! Never again! My mum gave me a huge bollocking, and wanted me to take it back. Honestly, never again, until the next time (only joking).

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