BSB 06/09/1985 Friday

BSB 06/09/1985 Friday

Got back the Geography test, I got 8.0 (B). During the break Henrique told me he asked Daniele to the cinema and then asked me too. Very funny, I’m not a professional gooseberry. They were going today at 17:00. For the last two periods, 7th and 8th grade went to the auditorium, I sat next to Henrique. The talk was about a new law that will be made in 1987 and he explained it, it was interesting. The dollar is 10000crz in the black market! And 7125 in the official market. Brazil goes from worse to chaos.

Henrique called me at lunch to say he couldn’t make it to the cinema with Daniele, could I tell her. He was going to Paracatu with his dad.

In the evening Cristina took us to the National Theatre, to watch a dance play she was in. When we got there the play ‘The Kiss of the Spider Woman’ was on (I read the book). It was certificate 18 but we smuggled ourselves in (via Martins Pena room) – it was a good play but if we had been caught we would have been in the shit. The play finished and Cristina went to get ready to perform. Me, Renata and Ana decided to hide because if were caught in there we’d be in big trouble! I had the idea for us to hide inside a bar, in the dark, but as we were leaving I kicked a bin by accident and the play’s director turned up. How embarrassing! We felt ridiculous. Hilarious. Three women hiding behind a bar. He explained we are under age and if the police turned up they would stop the play, he asked for us to wait in Cristina’s dressing room and when the lights went out we could sneak in and watch.

So we waited by some steps, all the actors were on stage, and a horrible girl, also on the play, told us to leave now. We left, a bit upset, and we didn’t get to talk to Cristina. It was hard to get a lift home, but eventually we hitched a ride and got home…

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