BSB 06/08/1985 Tuesday

BSB 06/08/1985 Tuesday

Had my nails done for the first time ever! We went to the Music Fair in the evening, they are now charging to get in and it costs 2,000crz, but it wasn’t very good.

In PAE I got 6 ss, for each question that you answer correctly you get 3ss, but because he does it in order it takes ages to get to me (Number 14) – I knew the answer to all the questions, but by the time it got to me someone else had answered. We elected two people to be the class chief, they have to write the scores down and make sure we behave when there’s no teacher, Israel and Lara won.

In Science it was a mess, for a change. History was the usual. Marcelo wasn’t in today. During the break we gathered next to the ex-cat hole, no cat, just the hole. Spent the whole of the Portuguese lesson arguing with Orlando. Last period was free. Some guy we now gave us some photos from the people from Maranhao who stayed here in July 1984, I kept this one:

Left to right: Alexandra, Silvio, me crouching, Valeria (back) and Welma. Everyone’s hair is completely different now, except for Welma’s. We’re on I block’s pavement. Renata and I got off at 406, so Renata could see if she had left her wallet at Cristina’s, as we were getting off a really handsome boy, wearing green, said bye and touched my hair. I was so happy…

Got a lift with Renata to CIL (English school) and got there just in time. My new teacher, Marila, I didn’t like her very much. Henrique is in room 16.

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