BSB 06/02/85 Wednesday

BSB 06/02/85 Wednesday

Today was a great day! Vivi and Renata phoned me as soon as I woke up. Renata and me went out and visited Vivi. I really missed her. She cut her head yesterday, jogging at the Eixao, and it was a deep cut too. We chatted all morning. Renata had arranged to meet the friends she made during her holidays in Vila Velha at Park Shopping, this afternoon, and she asked Vivi, Nica and I to go. She met a guy called Gilmadson (what an awful name) who she said was perfect for me, but before I got back she had said the same to Nica. So stupid Nica said to me: “We can fight for him!”. I just gave her one of my looks, she’s such a fool. We left at 1:15 but Vivi didn’t go as her mum took her to the doctor to see the cut. We waited for the bus for ages and then we walked to
W3 to get the bus, which soon arrived. We met her friends by the ice skating rink, only the boys were there : Gil (Gilmadson), Cesar and Gipson (they are all related). I took no notice of Gil at first as I wanted to go ice skating but nobody else but Nica wanted to. So we went and I was really enjoying myself until a stupid idiot cut in front of me and I fell flat on my belly. I was wearing a miniskirt and was skidding on my stomach across the rink, luckily, because of the way I fell, no one saw my undies. I screamed at the guy and carried on skating.

When we got out Renata and Cesar were waiting for us and everyone else was at a burger bar waiting for us. There were 5 girls; three were boring (Dinha, Solange and Monica) and two were nice (Ana Paula and I can’t remember the other girl’s name). Renata was ignoring us so Nica and I went to an arcade, then I bought a record (Corpo a Corpo, 18,000). We went back and everyone was spread around the burger bar, we sat near Renata and Gil (who were by themselves). Gil went near Renata’s neck and I got annoyed, I don’t know why. Later on Renata said he was telling her he thought I was pretty, which made me really happy as he is gorgeous. Then he borrowed pen and paper from me and took Renata’s and mine phone down. Gil left with the 3 boring girls and his relatives.

Renata had gone to phone with the two nice girls and when she came back everyone had gone and that pissed her off. We were going to leave at 4 but bumped into Gil and his gang, all the three guys were holding the girls hands… But only for a laugh they said! Then Renata wanted to stay and so did I. We went after them and decided to go back to the arcade. Renata, Nica and I were playing and then went looking for them to say bye, we didn’t find them and when we were leaving we bumped into the three guys, alone, having ice cream, the girls had left, great! Gil offered me some ice cream but I said no, then he offered again, and I had a little bit. He then said that the ice cream tasted much better! Everyone started winding us up. But he fancies Cris, my best friend in Vila Velha. They only went out for one night, but he talked about her all the time. Renata really wanted for them to come back with us to the 405 and they did. On the bus we sat at the back, it was a bit tight and Gil sat near me and he put his face really close to mine on the bends, unfortunately there weren’t too many bends.

We got back, Nica went home and we went to Renata’s to drink water and have a pee. We went out and we were on our way to call Ivone, Gil asked if she looked like me, R said she doesn’t, he then said it wasn’t worth calling her. I nearly fainted, no one has ever flattered me so much on the first meeting! We went to call Vivi but she didn’t come down, she talked to us out of her window and said she didn’t need stitches. The boys live in Taguatinga and as it was 7:00 they decided to leave. We took them to the bus stop and when we said goodbye there were kisses everywhere; I had to kiss 9 times, three on each. I think one kiss should be enough (well I could give Gil lots of kisses), it’s simpler. Three kisses is totally over the top. Gil said it was a pleasure to meet me and as we walked away we stared at each other. He is a bit of a sex maniac though, he just flirted with every girl at the shopping centre and from Renata’s window he wolf-whistled some girl that was passing by. But, you know what, I really liked him.