BSB 05/06/1985 Wednesday

BSB 05/06/1985 Wednesday

Hey, pet, don’t forget today is World Environment day.

The dollar is at 5,650 in the official market and 6,750 in the black market.

Marcelo’s party is actually this Saturday. In PE we had a resistance test and I only did 4 laps. In Geography we did a test, I didn’t study and didn’t do so well, although the girls who also studied think they did badly too.

Lara has been a bit depressed and cried because she hadn’t studied for the test. In RE, when I walked in, I saw that Renata was about to sit on a chair, and I pulled it and she fell down quite badly and hurt herself, I thought I had broken her. The stupid teacher asked who was it, and I said it was me, but that ‘it wasn’t on purpose, miss’, and she said it was on purpose. I sat down and I think so that the class wouldn’t go against me, or because Lara had cried earlier, I cried too. The teacher got so angry at the total disarray and constant talking that she didn’t teach us. Lara had another crying crisis and we took her to the classroom and left her there, as we couldn’t seem to be able to console her. We sat by our little patch of grass and 6B came out as they were having a test, that was the only time I saw Giba.

I went to buy sweets and Rui was outside the school. In Science the whole class was let out to rehearse and I’m in two working groups for Portuguese (it’s ok to be in various groups). After the Mahs lesson, we went home, obviously. Me, Natacha and Dani went on the same bus, Renata was going to get in at the 107, but the bus driver didn’t wait for her.