BSB 05/02/1985 Tuesday

BSB 05/02/1985 Tuesday

(Wednesday, really, as it’s 1:30). I’m back home and it seems so big compared to my aunt’s flat. There was a
postcard from Renata de Castro waiting for me, a miniskirt and the cats (they’ve grown!). The cats have worms,
I saw one wiggling out of the cat’s bottom.

Back in Rio : We picked up Maira from her English course and went straight to the airport. We got there at 21:15, sorted out the papers, said goodbye and I left, and there I went, an underage traveller. There were two other under 18s with me. A quiet boy who I really liked and a 14 year old who wouldn’t stop talking, she even flirted with the flight attendant. We talked nonstop all the way (1:20 minutes). As it was an economy flight the food was rubbish, we had a cheese/ham toasted sandwich with an artificial orange juice. As soon as I left the plane I found my mum and picked my bags. I decided to unpack all my stuff today and just finished. The plane landed at 23:30.

Going back in time: at around 4:00 my grandad went to Zezé’s and gave me another 50,000, he left at 4:30. Jeison arrived there at 5:30 and went off with Maira. Rita took Gisele and Milena to Zezé’s. Gisele (she’s 10 years old) and I stayed at the window watching the boys flying kites. Then we played Monopoly and Milena left at 20:00. I got ready and we left. It was so hot in Rio and it’s nice and fresh here. Lovely!