BSB 04/10/1985 Friday

BSB 04/10/1985 Friday

Despite there being no classes today most of our class was in to rehearse the play (Antigone). The Council meeting was at 8, and it was cool, we talked to the teachers about stuff. Met Pat Lima, Henrique and Riba. We left school at the usual time… Henrique called me in the afternoon, asking me to go have an ice cream with him at Summer. In the afternoon Vivi and I went cycling.

In Rio there was a massive bus driver strike, five million people were stuck, imagine the chaos!

There was a massive earthquake in Japan, the strongest one in the last 56 years, lasted for 30s and it was a 9. But Japan is Japan, the most earthquake-proof country in the world, no buildings collapsed, no one died, and only 15 people got hurt. If it had been here everyone would have died.

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