BSB 05/05/85 Sunday

BSB 05/05/85 Sunday

Oh, my God! Are you alright? I had a shocking day. I’m in love with Piolho, This has to be the most impossible love ever. Not only does he have a crazy, jealous girlfriend, but he would never go out with me. He treats me like a sister and he is just gorgeous, strong, 19 years old. I wish! Renata, Ana Amelia, Alexandra and I went to the club. When we got there we went to watch the match: Juventus x Transporte at 10:30. I was screaming my head off but Juventus lost, 2×0. Poor Piolho, when he didn’t defend the ball I just wanted to jump in the pitch and give him a cuddle. After the match we just walked around the club and showed Deca to Ana Amelia.

Patricia cut her hair really short, as it’s very in now; and Alexandra and I want to do it, but we don’t have the courage. We sat by the pool with Deca & Co.. The other Patricia (who came on the plane with me) was being very friendly with Deca and Renata was very jealous. She just argued with everybody after that. On the way back Binho gave us a lift, but he’s a crazy driver, just mad. He was driving at around 100km/h and nearly ran over Cesar at the 404. And then he drove against the traffic. In the afternoon I went to Summer but it was a bit empty, it’s getting boring there. There were still quite a few hunks though. I saw Welma. She is going out with a guy called David, a doorman at Ascade, for the last 6 months. About two weeks ago I found out that he is married and has kids. Welma knows it too.