BSB 03/07/1985 Wednesday

BSB 03/07/1985 Wednesday

I was very gutted in school. When we were leaving Daniele showed me a note Giba had written to her. He’s in love with her, and weird, I think I fancy him, because I cried when I got home. Not even sure it was because of him though or because D. Dora didn’t come today, the house was a mess and I have a big History homework for tomorrow. I did that work between 14:00 and 16:00, then went to Dance, got home at 19:30. Alexandra and I then went back to Novo Espaço, as Cristina asked her to teach the 19:30 class.

Got home and called Renata in Goiania, as she had called me and left a message. Perhaps she will come to visit and stay at my house, on the 8th, as her dad is coming here to do a course. She would stay here for a week.

Last night Renata, Alexandra, me, Cristiane (from 108) and Aline went to 406 and talked to Julio. Renata and Alex went and I stayed until 21:30. The schedule is so tight today I only managed to do the History work.

School was actually fun but I’m traumatised by the thing with Giba. I got 93% in the Geography test.

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