BSB 03/06/1985 Monday

BSB 03/06/1985 Monday

In Maths we got our papers back and I got A, 82% and the teacher let us go 10 minutes before the bell. We went to the canteen and walked by the office. Marcelo was there and I asked him how his party had gone, he said ‘What Party?’. Seems there wasn’t one?! In PE we did an agility test in the gym. Lara and I got the best times in our year. Our time was 11.1 secs. In the break I stayed with the girls, Lara, Patricias, Natacha and Karina on a bench. They said that girls from 7C, who do PE with us, gossip about us a lot! It doesn’t bother me as I know it’s all lies, and they don’t really talk much about me. In Portuguese the whole class went to the auditorium to present the posters. Apart from the one we made on Friday, we made a big notebook, from cardboard, well Patricia Lima made it, then gave it to me!

Didn’t go to PCS lesson, stayed with Karina. We discussed which play to do in Portuguese about any text. We thought we might make a story about Monica and Cebolinha. The ‘Popcorn Queen’ was elected today and is Marcia, but we aren’t feeling very enthusiastic about it this year. I don’t think we will bother selling her votes. Last year, that was fun! I only saw Giba during the break today. He walked by the bench and looked at us.

I went home carrying this massive cardboard notebook, it was so embarrassing on the bus, which was a bit full, and Renata got on my bus with annoying Claudio. I was by the window with my arm hanging out and the driver said really loudly: ‘You with the blue top, put your arm back in, please!’ So embarrassing! Luckily Renata was there and I didn’t feel so bad. Claudio was messing about with my big notebook and then he took my shoe off when he was about to leave and teased me. Everyone on the bus laughed at me. How annoying! I gave him a stare and I must have scared him as he gave me my shoe back. I’ll kill him one day.

In the evening we went to Dance and after Ana Amelia, Alexandra, Marcia and Cristina went looking for things for the party, I went home to wash my hair and study History (which I didn’t). I went to meet the girls at 18:00. We cut some flags, when clingy Ana Cristina arrived. Cristina said we all had to find a way to find things for our stall, so I asked my building’s caretaker wife for wood. Because useless Alexandra couldn’t even do that… I went home at 20:15, but we didn’t do even half of what we needed to do. Our new cat is being very naughty.