BSB 02/07/1985 Tuesday

BSB 02/07/1985 Tuesday

In PCS I did my typing in the first half of the lesson then wandered around the school on my own during the second half. Went to the toilet, heard some meowing, and found the cat from yesterday and observed it for a bit. The bell went and we went to talk with Henrique and Riba, who told us about the Science test. I cheated lots, the teacher marked it, and I got 70%. Without much to do during the break, Karina and I went looking for the cat. It seems half the school had nothing better to do either, and were all watching the cat and messing about. In Portuguese Zaira had to teach year 7, and a teacher called Amesia (Amnesia!) stayed with us. She gave us a bit of work to do and after that we had a paper plane war, she didn’t seem to care much, great!

In the last period we were watching the cat, and Dani, Marcelo and I went homebound together.

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