BSB 02/06/1985 Sunday

BSB 02/06/1985 Sunday

In the morning the girls went to the club but I didn’t, I stayed in to do a Portuguese assignment. Later Renata told me that Juventus played Italma and won 1×0. Patricia broke up with Alexandre (China) because she’s in love with Deca. But Deca isn’t interested, and fancies Juliana. In the evening we called Deca and talked to him. He said he misses me.

Today was a very important day for the country of football, Tele’s new team starred at 16:00. Brazilian football is in crisis, as it lost to a few of Latin American teams and couldn’t find a manager. Evaristo was fired after all the lost friendlies, and Tele took the job. With Tele rasil only didn’t become tetra champion because of that bastard of Paolo Rossi, from Italy… Me, Renata, Alexandra and Ana Amelia watched the Brazil x Bolivia match at Renata’s, 2×0 to Brasilsāo! It wasn’t a great match but we don’t mind, the team mates haven’t got to know each other well yet.

We all went to Summer at 18:00. It was empty, Cristina and Clarinha were there. We chatted with Goguinho for a bit. We got back and Alexandra went home, and us three came home to call Deca. We went down , Alexandra came out again and we went to the playground. Carlinhos was there with a cute kitty. He gave it to Nica and she went home, and we all heard her mum screaming, telling her to get rid of the creature. She gave me to it, and the little thing is here, it’s a girl and I think I’ll call her Carlinhas.