BSB 02/05/85 Friday

BSB 02/05/85 Friday

Today was a sad day for me. We received the Geography exams back and I got 94%! My average for the bimester was 96%, the only higher grade than mine was Natacha’s 98%. Natacha and I always compete on our grades and she always wins! The Maths teacher gave our tests back and I got 8.8.(the maximum was 9.0). During the break Karina and I went to ask Henrique who he fancies. He said he doesn’t like anybody, but then Ze called Karina and while he talked to her I was talking to Henrique, but he just kept staring at them. They then left. Karina told me Henrique fancies Daniele a bit. And I thought he liked me! That really depressed me for the last two lessons.

Daniele bought Karina, Marcelo, myself and some other girl ice cream. I’m fed up with boys, all I do is try to get people together and I end up alone. In 1986 the Brazilian currency will lose three zeroes. So 10,000crz will become 10crz.