BSB 02/04/85 Tuesday

BSB 02/04/85 Tuesday

The bus strike continues and a lot of people are using their cars to drive people around and make some money. I walked to school with Adelaide. Pat Lima is in love with Petronio, Karina with Guilherme, Fernanda with Henrique, Pat Figueired with Wellington, Danilo and Marcio. And today I love Marcelo. The PCS lesson was great, as we didn’t do anything and the teacher offered a lift to everyone who normally takes a bus. In the Science lesson we went through the homework and I prepared a little cheat for the History test. I wrote the definition of Paleontology on the side of the door (where the lock is) but the teacher closed it! The question was in the test and by an incredible stroke of luck the door of another class banged and as our door is a bit crap it opened and I managed to read it.

The break was great. Karina and I went to buy some ‘quebra-queixo’ . Paulista(aka Alexandre) and Arthur were there and Paulista was making conversation with me. Everytime we buy sweets at the school entrance Henrique, Ze and Marcelo come over to chat (they really are after our sweets). I gave them a little bit and went to the canteen. After 5 minutes Henrique & co were there. I showed Fernanda to Henrique. I offered another sweet to Riba, but it was stuck on the paper. So we were trying to get it off and Marcelo just hit it from below and it flew all over mine and Ze’s faces. Marcelo couldn’t stop laughing. I didn’t find it that funny though.

The Portuguese lesson was nice. The teacher thinks he’s a philosopher and always comes out with clichés. We know them all by heart so whenever he starts saying one we just finish it for him in a chorus. And then he starts laughing. When he walks in the class and says “good morning” we scream “good morning” back really enthusiastically. On our free period we went to the gym as the 8B were having physical education. Five minutes after we arrived Henrique and Ze left. Marcelo had a test so he left early too. So I walked home with Karina and Adelaide only. I have to go to my English lesson.

Tancredo’s infection is not getting better.

I met Alexandra and Debora when I was coming back from English. I had an argument with my mum. My dad phoned to say he’s buying me an Easter egg. Tancredo had his 4th operation. I think he’s going to die. There’s no class tomorrow. Shit! Because of the bus strike. Brasilia is turning into a mess.

In the evening I went down. Debora and I called Alexandra but she had gone out with her mum. I went to have a chat with Gino and William and left Debora. When I got back my heart nearly jumped out of my mouth. Cesar was talking to Debora and the evil gang was around. We talked until 22:30. Alexandre (paulista) showed up, as his cousin lives on the block S. I talked with him for a little while but then rushed back to be near Cesar. I should hate him, really. I saw Chica today (the cat my mum threw out). Cesar really liked her.