BSB 01/10/1985 Tuesday

BSB 01/10/1985 Tuesday

I have a brother, his name is Henrique, he’s 14 years old and is in 8C in Caseb. I gave up on liking him, now I call him brother and he calls me sister. During the break today he bought me Churros. In PAE, Lara and I tallied up the points, I won with 125, Johny came second with 118. Just before the Science test Riba let me take a look at his, they took it on Friday. The teacher is so stupid, she gives the same test on different days! I think she wants everyone to pass and not have to resit. I got 100%, purely through cheating. Me, Lara, Johny, Orlando, Pulginha, Fabiane. I just passed the answers to them. During the break I was with Riba and Henrique, they don’t have the last 2 periods, but I asked them to wait as I didn’t have the last…

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