BSB 01/09/1985 Sunday

BSB 01/09/1985 Sunday

Henrique called me around 2 to say that Dani and Fabiane arranged to go to the cinema with him, and he asked me to go. I didn’t want to. He called me later and kept asking me to go and I couldn’t resist and decided to go. I arranged to meet up under his building block at 16:00, the movie started at 16:30 according to Daniele. I took Ana Amelia with me and when Henrique saw me he nodded approvingly. We went to the cinema Karim and bumped into Marcelinho who was flying a kite. He was wearing shorts and his legs are amazing!!!

We stopped for a bit then went to the cinema. Once there we played flipper, then I looked at my watch and it was 16:30, we ran to the cinema. We looked at the timetable and saw the film started at 16:00, and Henrique was furious because Daniele told him the wrong time. We got in, looked for them but it was too dark. We sat and watched the movie (Rambo II). We looked for them on the way out too, no sign of them! We went to the flipperama then walked home. On the way back I realised he really likes Daniele. He complained about her, and said he was going to have a big go at her, that really got me down… We went to Summer and Ana Amelia came here and we played computer games. I called Daniele and she said she was there, I don’t know how we didn’t meet in such a small place. She asked me if I liked Henrique and I strongly denied it!

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