BSB 01/07/1985 Monday

BSB 01/07/1985 Monday

Everyone is talking about Menguele…  He was an evil Nazi murderer – perhaps the worst.  He made experiments on Jews during the 2nd world war.  After the war he ran away to Paraguai, lived in Argentina, then came to Brasil and lived here for 18 years.  A bounty hunter was looking for him, following his trail and he concluded that Rudolph, who died in 1979 was actually Menguele under a false identity.  They exhumated him, he was buried in Sao Paulo, the results came out this week, and they are 70% sure that it is him indeed.  But no one can be 100% sure whether he’s really dead or not.

In Maths the teacher was a nightmare.  In PE we all played dodgeball (all girls in year 8) it was brilliant fun!  The break was good too, Patricia Lima and I went to buy sweets and sat by the rockery at the back of the second wing.  There was a cat there, and Henrique and Riba were there too.

In Portuguese we went to the auditorium to have a History lesson instead.  In PCS I argued with the teacher, he said that if I wanted to leave the class I could, I said I would leave it it didn’t mean getting an ‘occurrence’.  After practicing my typing I  went with Fabi, Karina and Pat Fig. to the front of the school.  I think Marcelo fancies Daniele.

The dollar has gone up to 6000crz in the official market and 7400crz in the black market.  This is a bad year, strikes everywhere (teachers in Porto Alegre, for 51 days now, doctors, metal industry workers, truck drivers, caretakers, bankers, traders, dentists, unemployed, public servants, pilots, astronauts, etc.  And now the government has launched some drastic economic measures, a big increase on income tax for the  middle classes – anyone earning 6.8 million has to pay 1.5 million in income tax.  The middle classes are getting more and more squashed.

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