BSB 01/04/85 Monday

BSB 01/04/85 Monday

Something is wrong. The nation’s atmosphere is bad. Maybe it’s me, not the country. The girls don’t care as they are alienated but I feel something is going on, I don’t know what. I’m not sure if it’s because Tancredo is ill and that is causing a tense expectation, or if it’s just me. But something is not right. There was a bus strike today so I had to walk to and back from school. The walk back wasn’t too bad. It’s 13:37 and when I come back from music lesson I’ll write’ down how the morning was.

Just got home (16:00) and didn’t have the singing lesson as the teacher didn’t go due to the bus strike. Only 6 people showed up for the music classes today and a 20 year old called Leonardo joined us today.

This morning I couldn’t bear the Maths lesson, I just wasn’t in the mood. The PE lesson wasn’t too bad. During the break Patricia Figueiredo got 5,000 from some girl (why?) and we went to the canteen to buy some food.

I was going to the toilet and this absolutely gorgeous boy and his friend were walking towards me. I walked in
between them and the gorgeous boy just brushed his arm against mine but I didn’t even look at him. Then the son of a bitch just threw chewing gum on my hair! I called him all sorts and then had to cut a tiny bit of my hair off. The bell rang and as I walked to my classroom, Marcelinho stuck his foot out and I tripped on it, then Henrique threw a little stone on my head and I nearly fell on the floor, but how exciting! The Portuguese lesson flew by. When the bell for PCS rang Karina and I went to the toilets to miss the lesson. We had been there 5 minutes and Leila, Cristiane and Ana Paula (a stupid bitch from 6B) came in too. So we stayed there waiting for the bell to ring. Leila does this every day and she is a professional, but Karina and I were really scared of getting caught. Whenever somebody walked in we just ran and hid in the cubicles. The bell rang and we left. I walked home. Karina, Henrique, Daniele, Ze, Adelaide and I walked together up to where I normally catch my bus. I walked the rest of the way home with Adelaide who lives next to me at 406. Marcelo was walking right behind us. I have a History test tomorrow. Tancredo contracted a hospital infection, not surprising after 3 operations a few days ago. Now he’s feverish but stable.