Belo Horizonte 31/12/1985 Tuesday

Belo Horizonte 31/12/1985 Tuesday

Here we are at the Amazonas Hotel, Avenida Amazonas, room 902, Belo Horizonte. We got here around 7 in the morning and came to this 3 star hotel, full of food and lighters on top of the fridge, but you have to pay for everything.

I slept very little during the trip, the bus was shaking like a liquefier. At around 9:30 my mum and I went to Savassi, a shopping district. I bought a pair of AllStar, two bags, two shirts and trousers, then we took a taxi to C&A, and there I bought a mini skirt, a hat, a shirt and a bikini. It all cost 1.5 million cruzeiros.

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