14/03/1985 Thursday

14/03/1985 Thursday

It rained really hard when I was going to school, but I had an umbrella. When I got to school I copied some of the homework from Patricia Lima. The test is worth 90% and the homework is worth 10%. During the Portuguese lesson the teacher talked about the election for class representative and vice and the counsellor teacher. The PCS lesson was shit as usual and I argued with the teacher. I sat in a place during his lesson and for the last 15 minutes he let us revise for the maths test. I went back to my original seat and Karina started playing with my hair. He said something but we ignored him. Then he grabbed my arm and told me to move seats. I told him he was forcing me to move chairs and he said he wasn’t and I said he was. I pulled my arm and just threw myself where he wanted me to sit.

The bell rang and the Maths teacher arrived pretty soon. She gave us the test which was easy except for 3 questions that I’m sure I got wrong. During the break I went to tell Henrique and Riba about the test (they had it next). We had Roman numbers in History (revision). In Arts people talked about their partners from the previous lesson. There was still no time for everyone to speak and I was the last to talk.