12/03/1985 Tuesday

12/03/1985 Tuesday

The PCS lesson was shit for a change. On the way out there was a gang of boys, as Marcelo was going to fight with some boys from 109. Nothing happened but Henrique, Ze and a lot of other guys walked with Marcelo just in case.

It’s 17:46 and I got back from English at 17:10. I didn’t do badly on the exam and got a B. A lot of people failed. I saw Arthur today, during the last lesson, hugging Ana Paula (from the 8th Grade B). She’s awful and annoying, I don’t know how he can go out with her!

Now, this is between us. I had suspected it for a while. But yesterday I overheard this phone conversation and now I’m sure. I told you I dreamt that my mum was a lesbian and that’s when I started being suspicious. She’s not totally a lesbian but she’s got a thing with Carmen (disgusting!). How disgusting. There are so many men around. How could she? I don’t know what to say. (NOTE: being a lesbian in Brazil back then was seen as a lot worse than being gay – neither was widely accepted anyway. However, we had openly gay friends – but no lesbians were out in the open.)