08/03/1985 Friday

08/03/1985 Friday

Nothing much happened at school today. In the afternoon I went to Debora’s and she phoned Deca. I was listening at the extension but he didn’t know I was there. I was shocked!!! Deca seems to hate Renata. He said she is childish and he only snogged her because he was drunk and couldn’t see anything. He even slagged Alexandra off! He didn’t say anything about me… Debora said she phoned Gil yesterday and he also doesn’t seem to like Renata. Today she phoned him, so I could hear for myself, but he was out. We then came down and talked to Gino, Jorge and William until 18:30.

I went home, watched the soap and Renata called me. I went down and only saw Debora. Renata had gone to the I block so we went there. Gino, Well, Onofre and Quinho were there. Well was drawing. Cesar and Pezao arrived and sat around us. I was talking to Well, who was stoned (shit!) and was being stupid. Every now and then I’d look around at Cesar. Then they all went to a party at 203. We talked a bit with Asclê and Andre and went to Vivi’s (it’s her mum’s birthday). There was a big party! We wished her happy birthday and I went home to watch “Gone with the wind”. I’m tired. Ciao!