07/03/1985 Thursday

07/03/1985 Thursday

Went to school with Asclê and a cute boy. When I walked into school I bumped into Naeif. In Portuguese I didn’t have a clue what was going on… The PCS lesson was shit. The illiterate teacher spelt ‘extension’ wrongly. He then wasn’t sure and had to look at a piece of paper. He then corrected it. The Maths lesson was a bit noisy. During the break we did the usual flirting. The History lesson was good, as always.

Today we had the first arts lesson, and voted to have theatre. The teacher said that today we would play a game. But before that she wanted to integrate the boys and girls and made us choose a partner, but she said it would not mean that we fancied whoever we chose. Orlando was near me so I just grabbed him. The game: she would give us keywords – I am, I’m not, I like, I don’t like one at a time. We would have to keep saying it until we got stuck and then the other person would take over. At the end the teacher asked what we found out about the other person. There was only time for one person to speak: Orlando. He talked about me a little, and said he thinks I’m pretty. Then the bell rang (it’s 14:25 now) and we left school. I’m going to my English lesson now and I have an exam.