04/03/1985 Monday

04/03/1985 Monday

Met Asclepiades at the bus stop and he had to pay for my fare as I only had 5,000 and I didn’t think they’d have change. The fare has gone up to 600crz! Naeif had a haircut and looked hilarious. Marcelo de Souza looked gorgeous as usual. We learned new stuff in Maths. In Physical Education we played Basketball in the gym and annoyed the boys who were playing football. I spent the break eyeing Marcelo. We didn’t have Portuguese lesson as the teacher had a meeting so Marli gave us some homework and left. We just went mad. The teacher at the 7th B was really annoyed but we just ignored her. In the last period the class was split into groups. Students from numbers 1 to 19 are doing PCS and 20 to 37 are doing P AE. I’m doing PCS with the crappiest teacher ever!

On the way home Karina and I were walking a little bit in front of Henrique, Ze Ribamar and Marcelo. Henrique called me and Karina went towards her home. I walked home while talking to Henrique, next to Marcelo!

It’s now 13: 15 and I’m off to my music class.

It’s 6:05 on Tuesday morning, but I didn’t write because I got home at 21:15 and fell asleep.

I got a lift with Carmen to the music school. When I got there I didn’t know if there was a bell or what and I was wondering what the hell when it rang. I didn’t understand anything on the first lesson. The second lesson was much better and the teacher was great. I understood everything she explained. We should have had singing in the 3rd lesson but there was no teacher in the class. They are going to test our voices and I’m dreading it as I can’t sing. I was chatting with two guys. One black and the other spotty, they study at Setor Leste. We walked home. Yesterday at 19:00 Vi, Nica, Ana Amelia and I went to Renata’s to have some cake as it was her birthday. We remembered the old days, had a laugh and I came home at 21:15. The cake was gorgeous. Right, I have to go to school now.