02/03/1985 Saturday

02/03/1985 Saturday

I washed my hair in the morning and later Renata and Alexandra came here and we played cards. We didn’t go to the club because Renata argued with Celso (her mum’s boyfriend) and he is the one who is the member and lets us in. In the afternoon we stayed out for a while (Vi, Ale and I, as Renata had vanished). Well arrived, Alexandra went home and so did I. At around 16:00 Vivi called, as Well had gone I don’t know where. We called Debora (she arrived on Tuesday) and she told me that Renata and her had been talking to Cesar and he told them he was going to get off with me! I think he should wake up now.

Went with Vivi to the shops and the street was quite busy for a Saturday, it usually only gets busy on Sundays. Well joined us (Debora told him where we were) and we came back. I was talking to Debora and she told me the gossip: in one of the flats of the I block there is a maid called Neusa. Last night she let all the boys take advantage of her. She let them touch her breasts and take her top off! She was meant to be downstairs today but a rumour about her started flying around, as it was a bad example for the girls she looks after. She actually called the boys to the flat where she works, as her boss was out, but the girls were there… Negao, Gino, William, Cleiton, all went up. Marcelo didn’t because he said it’s no fun with someone that everyone is doing it with and who he doesn’t even fancy – a pretty good reason if you ask me! I liked his attitude.

At 18:40 we were walking past the I block to talk with the boys who were by the L block and we saw Neusa’s boss (I don’t know her) talking with Maria Jose (the wife of the I block’s caretaker) and saying she was going to fire Neusa.

We heard this pratt called Fabiana had grassed Neusa. Apparently she also stole stuff. She was only going to get paid the 200,000 they owed her and then she would be out. We talked to the boys about the episode (that was when I found out all the details) and then we went back to the I block, we sat under their window listening to Neusa’s boss’s screams. There were another 20 people listening as well near us. What an audience. I felt sorry for Neusa; she is just a victim of society. She then left for the bus stop and all the boys went running after her…

In the evening Vi, Re, De, the boys and I were at the M block. Alexandra had gone to a party at her cousin’s (2 year old). We then stayed at the I block with the evil gang, who went to see some show at the 308 school; we then went back to the M block and talked more with the boys. They said that Neusa didn’t have a penny to get on the bus so some of the boys who were there got all their money out of their pockets but they didn’t have enough to pay for the fare.

Then Negao asked the bus driver (the bus was going to Planaltina) to give her a lift. At least they helped her with something. Later Debora, Fabiano, Nica, Renata, Gininho, William and I stayed by my block talking away. There are parties everywhere tonight, where could Cesar be? He thinks he is going to get off with me… Nica and Fabiano disappeared and I came home at 22:00. It’s 23 :40 and I’m falling asleep.