RJ 25/12/1984 Tuesday

RJ 25/12/1984 Tuesday

In the morning (we woke up with a phone call from Zezé) we went to the beach. It took us ages to get ready and we only got there at 11 :30. No one memorised Zezé’s number plate (she was driving down with Marisa, Marvio and Chico’s girlfriend), but me. So we found the car and met them in Barra. They were at the near end of the beach. We were told that Zezé drove all the way in 3rd gear and used up all the petrol (I didn’t understand any of it but it was obviously very funny). We came back at 10 to one.

Zezé went home to hers and we went to Jeison’s parent’s house. We stayed there until 5:30. I met Tierre, Jege’s older brother, he has a tattoo on his arm and is really cool. And he has two hearts on his legs, which he made himself. There was a boy called Alexandre, absolutely gorgeous! I slept at Maira’s last night. I just love goodbyes from Italian families. First we said goodbye on the door, then chatted more on the lift, then on the pavement. I love it!

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