RJ 21/12/1984 Friday

RJ 21/12/1984 Friday

Yesterday, after we arrived from ltalia’s place my mum phoned. She travels today with Carnem to Juiz de Fora and will spend xmas there. She’ll be here on 27th. Last night I had a terrible dream … I don’t remember how it started, I only remember we were going to CIL (me, Adriano, Henrique, Carla and a horrible guy that represented Cleber). We were late for our English lesson and as we were all going to arrive together, we thought that the teacher wouldn’t like it. So we then raced. On the stairs Carla was winning (the guys stayed behind), but then I started running real fast, taking impulse from the air and running … When we got there, the boys were waiting for us already. Then Adriano started being funny and holding Carla. I looked really jealously and Adriano said: Take it easy, I will soon satisfy you. I was soooo angry!!! He then hugged me, started to kiss me and I pulled his hair (how stupid, I should have let him kiss me), then he fell down, on his back, he smiled and I apologised. Someone remembered we had a lesson, but we didn’t go.

Adriano tried to kiss me again and I bit his tongue (that must be an old memory I have because last year the boys pinned me down and made William kiss me, so I bit his tongue and a little bit of it stayed in my mouth and I spat it out. William was really angry but I was trying to stop them from forcing him to kiss me!).

In my dream a big piece came out, about half his tongue and I nearly died of fear. What if he never spoke again? Well he did and swore a lot. I sat down (or laid down) next to Henrique (who was a bit scared of me) and asked him whether he was my best friend or not, he said yes, and I nearly cried because there seemed to be a conspiracy created by Carla or Adriano. I don’t know. I felt like a zero!

I stayed at my aunt’s Zezé place (incredible as it may seem, Maira and Zezé manage to argue as much as me and my mum), from noon until six. Tonight we are supposed to watch Jeison’s goddaughter’s ballet. at Flamengo at 7. But it’s 6:40 and he hasn’t showed up yet. Before noon Miss Maira decided to wash the kitchen and both of us were carrying things. As Jaison’s ex job is having a party I’m sleeping at Zezé’s. There won’t be anyone there so I’m going to take the key. I’ve really grown, the pants that fit Maira before her pregnancy fit me now. I’ve inherited a lycra one, she wouldn’t give me the others.

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