Praia Brava 30/12/1984 Sunday

Praia Brava 30/12/1984 Sunday

Today Superman was on but I couldn’t watch it, no tv here… I think the film lasted 4 hours. We played cards, and I was in a hole, feeling dizzy and ill, could barely stand (I feel better now). I had no voice in the morning but it came back in the afternoon, but my nose became seriously blocked. I had to put tissues up my nose. We went to the beach in the morning. As I had no energy to even put my bikini on I just sat under the shade and chatted with D. Nina, even then I couldn’t cope and came home, had a shower, washed my hair. Then D. Nina came back. As Maira and Jeison took ages, D. Nina went after them. I was truly starving, my stomach was snoring (obviously I never said anything, only you know how awful I feel, I just hate bothering other people). We ate and played more cards until 7.

We had to go to Mangaratiba to phone Gil. Today is his birthday, 44 years old. Went to the shop, to buy bread for hot-dogs (I hate it). We then phoned Gil, and then went to the Chemist to buy Vicks and Coristina. There are two types of Vicks, in a pot (for inhaling) and in a tube, to unblock. Maira had her back to me and Jeison was facing me. She asked for the pot and I asked the tube (it’s easier to use), but she didn’t hear and Jeison told her what I had asked for. As she is the owner of medicine she said the pot was better, then Jeje said she should get the one I asked for. I just shut up and waited for things to unfold. Then they realised how ridiculous it was to argue in the chemist for such a small thing. Jeison got out and Maira bought the one I wanted (To be honest I wasn’t even bothered) and an envelope of Coristina C, costing 1,700.

Jeje didn’t seem in the mood to buy medicine and kept saying I didn’t have pneumonia, so why so much medicine? In the car they argued really bad I was just coughing on the back. I was making it worse trying to make them stop. When they did it just went quiet. And it rained …

They argued a little bit more at home and then things improved. I’ve been thinking about buying dollars with my weekly allowance, about 3 dollars per week, by the end of the year I would have 159 dollars. That’s a good idea but I wouldn’t tell my mum and would keep it. I would have about 636,000 with the dollar at 4,000. If it went up to 5,000 I would have 795,000 at the end of the year. A small fortune. I have to find a bureau de change. Nice one!

Now, something that really annoys me is that Jeison e Maira keep saying that there are only thieves in Brasilia, they don’t even know everyone there to say such things. I know they’re only winding me up but it irritates me to the maximum.

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