Praia Brava 28/12/1984 Friday

Praia Brava 28/12/1984 Friday

The petrol is 1,710 cruzeiros. Around 10:30 we went to Saens Penha Square (it takes ages by bus) and I bought my rubber rucksack, which is white for 14,500.00 cruzeiros, stickers (Garfield, Hello Kitty and My Melody) 5 altogether, for 8,500 cruzeiros. Later we had ice cream, mine cost 1,000 and Maira’s was 1,1000. I bought sandals (my ice cream fell on the floor when I went into the shop); made of elastic, blue (size 37) and it cost 16,500. I had 52,800 cruzeiros. I also bought a magazine (Disney special, The Boys, for 2,500. I spent 44,100 and had 8,600 left. We got back at one and at around two my mum phoned, I asked her to buy me an Adidas tennis, like the pink one I have. I hope she buys it, as my tennis are rotten.

It took us ages to leave, at 10:15, Roni was agitated but then calmed down. We got stopped by the police at the bus station, as the car’s backlight wasn’t working. They decided that Jeison had a duty to fix it, but he’s not an electrician! We stayed there for 40 minutes. Then Jeison spoke to the policemen and said Maira wasn’t feeling well and Jeison’s godfather (who was a Colonel, Jeison made that up too) was waiting for us to arrive at around midnight.

I’ve been here to Praia Brava before, twice. First in ’81, when Maira met Rubinho and then in ’82 when Maira went out with Mauricio. A little while later she met Jeison (I had already returned to Brasilia). There is a big gang in here. There is even a guy nicknamed Brasilia, who lives there, I’ll ask him whereabouts. We organised everything last night. This is D. Nona’s house and the Colonel’s, who are Gina’s grandparents, or something like that.

As Gina travelled to Portugal, her grandparents decided not to come and it was only us. There are 2 bedrooms here with 8 beds in total, there is everything: pans and pots, cards, towels, everything, except a television. They used to have one but it’s gone. The stupid dog Roni is here, stuck to my leg, humping it like mad. All the bloody dogs do that to me!

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