RJ 19/12/1984 Tuesday

RJ 19/12/1984 Wednesday

Woke up at 6:20 as I was really anxious to travel. Left home at 9:40 and the flight was delayed because it was a connection flight and it was very cloudy in Rio. Went with Carmen’s sister (Maria Consuelo). We talked the whole flight and she is really nice. When we arrived Zezé was waiting for me at the airport with Regina (Gina’s mum, who is Maira’s friend).

Everything is so massive here (I come here every year). Arrived at my aunt’s home and Maira and Gina were there. Gina left with her mum and Zezé went out too. Then we left (I forgot to say that we came on the same plane as Magalhães Pinto! I should have flattened his head, although it’s so flat I couldn’t make it any worse) to meet Gina at the academy. This is an exercise academy where Zezé works out. It’s a really crazy place and a few days before Christmas there’s going to be a party. We went out for a walk (it’s a nightmare trying to cross the roads, especially in the Saens Penha Square). We were looking for a Jeans rucksack for me. My mum only gave me 70,000 (thinking it’s a fortune, she is so alienated!). We didn’t find it and went back to the academy. It was arranged that I would spend some days at Zezé’s house and others at Maira’s. Gina stayed at the academy and me and Maira went to meet one of her teachers.

I walked until it hurt! Her teacher is great, very friendly . He probably thought I was shy (I am, really), I only spoke towards the end of the ‘meeting’. We were supposed to go to Vera’s house so she could advise Maira on some books. Thanks to my curse (I wanted to go back) or through luck, she wasn’t there and we stayed chatting until 7, then we went home, first by underground and then by bus. I went up and down hill until the soles of my shoes said enough. .. My bum got flat from waiting for this Vera.

Maira has got a massive belly. It’s a real shame the baby will only be born around the 26th of February. I leave on the 20th. I’m going to become a Ping-Pong ball. I don’t even know if Jeison is happy about me being here, or if Gil and Zezé will like my presence at their place, or if I should have come at all! It’s incredible, but every time I come here I feel different, shy, retracted.

I’ve grown! Last year I was up to my aunt’s nose. I’ve overtaken her this time. I’m going to read Isaac Asimov’s Robots. Last year I started reading it but left and never finished it. Their flat (Maira and Jeison’s) is cool and comfy. I feel so outside myself.

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