BSB 18/12/1984 Tuesday

BSB 18/12/1984 Tuesday

After much confusion it’s been decided: I’m going to Rio on Thursday, by plane. At 2 o’clock in the morning! (Because it’s cheaper). I’m going with Carmen’s sister (she’s the one paying for the ticket) and when I arrive I’m staying at her relatives’ house. The day after my aunt Zezé will pick me up. I’ll be really embarrassed staying in the house of people I don’t know!

My mum arrived here at lunchtime saying that I will travel tomorrow at 11, it’s more expensive but there were no more places on the 2am flight. Went down at 2, with Debora, went to photocopy my birth certificate (to obtain permission from the law to travel alone).

When we came back we stayed in the I block, and Fabiano and Andre showed up. I asked Andre for his bike and after much discussion he lent me it. When I was about to get up off his bike (I was going to call Viviene), he smacked my bum and said – ‘Hurry up, ok?’- I threw his bike on the floor, he is very careful with it), kicked him and asked – ‘what do you think my bum is?’ – Luckily he didn’t answer and I just walked to call Vivi. I left Debora and Alexandra behind. When I called Vivi I went up to her place and she finished taping a song.

We went down and the guys (Nica, Andre, Fabiano and William) went to the 204, to the Radical (a massive ramp for cyclists). We went to watch them jump. As we arrived, Fabiano was going up the ramp and when he was turning he fell really bad! He was rolling down the Radical. Felt sorry for him. Fabiano is the one who rides and jumps the best of all the gang (he is 13 years old), then comes Andre (16 years old, Fabiano’s brother).

We came back, Nica and the boys ahead of us. Me, Viviene, Debora and Andre came together (I wanted my record back). We went to his building, picked up the record and came to the 405. I went home to get the-“Summer 85” to lend to Viviene, went down and went (Vi i and I) to her place to record some songs for the party she was going to (she asked me to come along). Andre waited for us downstairs, alone. We recorded 2 songs and when I looked out the window there were 4 more people (Renata, Fabiano, William and Debora). We went down soon . We were chatting and when Alexandra came down (we had arranged to go to the party, me, Alexandra and Vivene) we went to the 9.

We bought dindin and when we were in our block G a man went past in a cart being pulled by a horse. We asked for a lift. Initially he only wanted to take us to the 406, but we insisted and he said that after picking up a package he would take us there. He dropped us in the block R of the 406 and returned soon. There were 7 of us in the cart : me, Alexandra,Renata, Viviene, Debora, Ivone and the driver. We went through the L2 and everyone was looking at us. I never laughed so much in my whole life! The cart nearly overturned as Alexandra kept running from one side to the other.

We arrived at the 9 and there was no one there. Some people were playing football and laughing at us getting off the cart. We walked back and Renata pretended that she was a mugger. She ‘mugged’ a guy in the shopping street (of 408/409) who started to follow us. We stopped at the 408’s little school (and the guy stopped too) and we jumped into the school. We went into the bathroom (which was clean) to have a pee and drink water. We left and the guy was still there. I picked up a stick and the guy vanished.

We went home and got ready for the party. It was 4:30. Viviene had to be there at 6, as it was Erica’s goodbye party and Vivi was the one who organised it. When we arrived, only a girl called Daniele was there. It was a surprise party. Nica went too. Soon the place was full (Erika slept at a friend’s house and would arrive at 8). Gustavo (I met him when I went to D. Bosco with Viviene) is soo gorgeous. Ricardo was there too and said hi when he arrived.

All the guys in Viviene’s class fancy her and Ricardo and Gustavo were after her all the time. Stupid Rick thinks I fancy him and every time he says something he looks at me to see if I find it funny and keeps grabbing Viviene in front of me. Danced with Rick aIl Gustavo. I liked Gustavo best but the music stopped half way through and he nearly killed the person who stopped it. When we were about to leave at 9, as Vivi wanted to see Well) we heard a scream and lots of laughter. When we were in the lift Rick told us what happened: Gustavo was kissing Sandra (his ex) in the hallway, and an old man (the grandfather) was staring at them. Rick saw it and gave a 2km scream. The grandad started telling them off – saying they had no morals, etc. Gustavo ran off really embarrassed. We left and I sat and talked under my block for a little while.

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