BSB 16/12/1984 Sunday

BSB 16/12/1984 Sunday

Woke up with a noise. My mum was reading the song I wrote last night (I left the diary open). I screamed. I thought she had read the previous page. What a fright! Renata came here and we recorded “Vereda Tropical”(Ana Amelia’s). Speaking of which, Andre still has my record “Partido Alto”.

I insisted and convinced Renata to go to the club. Me, soap, Le (toilet paper), Eunice and toilet pan. When we got there the weather was very cloudy. Soon Deca and Femando (who were there already) came to our table. We then went to play Volley on the grass right in front of where we were.

It started to rain and we left the grass. We sat with Fernando (Deca went somewhere). As the rain got heavier we went to the games room. I suggested we played table football (pebolim). First Fernando and I played against Renata and Alexandra. We won 50 to 25. Then me and Alexandra against Renata and Fernando. We lost, by how much I don’t know! Halfway through tile game, Piolho joined my team (there was my team of 3 against the other with 2 people).

We played 100 games (a bit of an exaggeration!). We also played Ping-Pong. Maybe the guys will come around tonight at 8. We tried to hitch a ride home, but no one wanted to stop! I rearranged my hair but it looks like shit. Flamengo lost the game (lx0) and Fluminense is again the(bi) Champion of Rio. Shit!

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