RJ 20/07/1989 Thursday – Last gynaecologist checkup

RJ 20/07/1989 Thursday – Last gynaecologist checkup I went to the gynaecologist on Tuesday for a final check-up. Everything is fine, perfect, thank God! [NOTE: this cauterization probably saved me from cervical cancer] It’s really raining men! Antonio has left me alone but now Claudio and Luiz Fidelis seem to take turns calling me. But … Read more

RJ 16/07/1989 Sunday

RJ 16/07/1989 Sunday Last night me, Ana, Mauro, Claudio, Paula and Michel went to the said party at Goes Monteiro (street where Gustavo lives). There was hardly anyone there and it was boring! We left at 23:00 and went to Mauro’s watch Maguila’s fight which lasted 1.5 rounds. He got punched on the 2nd round … Read more

RJ 15/07/1989 Saturday

RJ 15/07/1989 Saturday Luiz Fidelis called last night to talk and today he called for us to go out, I said NO. Antonio came here last night in the middle of the film. We talked and only today I managed to finish it. Brazil beat Paraguay 3×0 and tomorrow I’m going to Maracanã with Ana, … Read more

RJ 14/07/1989 Friday – Happiness

RJ 14/07/1989 Friday – Happiness Happiness is real, did you know that? I had known it, but hadn’t met it for a long time. I’ve never felt so complete and content. Why? Could it be because I’m going to Brasilia? No, it’s not. I realised I can be happy anywhere as long as I stay … Read more