RJ 05/01/1985 Saturday

RJ 05/01/1985 Saturday I stayed at Zezé’s, she went to the market and came back soon after. We were sitting in the living room, my aunt just wearing her knickers when the doorbell rang. We thought it was Maira and Jeison, who were coming around. When I opened the door it was Wagner, Rita’s son, … Read more

RJ 04/01/1985 Friday

RJ 04/01/1985 Friday Last night I ended up staying at Zezé’s and didn’t read any books. I finished reading ‘A queda para o alto” (The fall upwards), and as there are no interesting books at Zezé’s I had nothing to read. It’s nearly 9:30 am. I’m not sure if I’ve told you, Maira’s baby is … Read more

RJ 03/01/1985 Thursday

RJ 03/01/85 Thursday There have been better times in my life to have a diary, when I lived in Mexico, every day a new adventure happened. There were earthquakes, snow on the mountains near us. Adventures, messing about, escapades from school and many other things. Today life is monotonous; news here, news there but nothing … Read more

RJ 02/01/1985 Wednesday

RJ 02/01/1985 Wednesday Maira is speaking to Gina on the phone and they are talking about the Brazilian ‘Menudo’. Their godfather is going to be ‘Chacrinha’,it seems the whole group will be from Praia Brava. As well as Ricardo I met another member, Marcelo. Blonde and really friendly. The group’s name is Ciclone. We went … Read more