RJ 17/09/1989 Sunday

RJ 17/09/1989 Sunday Today, when I least expected it, I got a call from Gustavo. Usual conversation… I felt a bit fluttered and that’s a bad sign, a sign he still has some power over me, but nothing will change my plans: On his 1st attempt to get together I’m cutting him off. After the … Read more

RJ 16/09/1989 Saturday

RJ 16/09/1989 Saturday The biggest thought transmission I’ve ever seen happened yesterday! I was feeling nostalgic and read the start of this diary, when I was still in Brasilia. First the drama with Gino, all the boys and then Rodrigo. I was reliving those crazy, confusing days with Rodrigo. Everything was so interesting and bewildering! … Read more

RJ 14/09/1989 Thursday

RJ 14/09/1989 Thursday Rita came on Tuesday but went home yesterday as her bedroom was ready and clean. She might come back when they paint the living room, to spend another day. Wagner came here twice on Tuesday. He came on Weds but I was asleep. Nothing will ever happen between us! Antonio called on … Read more

RJ 11/09/1989 Monday

RJ 11/09/1989 Monday We arrived back from Friburgo yesterday at 23:00. I went to the city to exchange some dollars and buy a ticket for my mum (Cuiaba-Brasilia). After that I exercised for 2 hours. I argued with Maira over something stupid and I told her I’m NEVER setting foot in the house she thinks … Read more

Friburgo 09/09/1989 Saturday

Friburgo 09/09/1989 Saturday I didn’t go to Caxambu in the end. Keyla called me on Tuesday evening saying she had argued with Valeria and their father wouldn’t let them go anymore and he was going to rip the tickets! I had already packed! Her father is an arsehole! I’ve never seen a family fight so … Read more