RJ 18/07/1986 Friday – Theatre

RJ 18/07/1986 Friday – Theatre Went shopping with my mum on Tuesday and stayed in Copacabana, where my mum is staying, then we went out Shopping on Wednesday too. Two days of intense consumption. I also trimmed my hair on Weds. I have become Gabriel’s babysitter. The other day I took him out, we walked … Read more

RJ 14/07/1986 Monday – Spirituality

RJ 14/07/1986 Monday- Spirituality Maira took me to her ‘cult’ [NOTE: this is what they called themselves: culto] at five in the afternoon. It’s at her ex-teacher’s house and she goes every Sunday. The people who go there are mostly spiritualists, although that’s not mandatory. Sergio, the leader, reads a text, and they discuss it… … Read more

RJ 13/07/1986 Sunday

RJ 13/07/1986 Sunday I didn’t even mention I was coming to Rio this holiday, but here I am. My mum and I came by bus. Gabriel, Maira’s son, it’s already 16 months old and he’s so cute. I think I will stay at my aunt’s, but I stayed at Maira’s last night because my aunt … Read more

BSB 05/02/1985 Tuesday

BSB 05/02/1985 Tuesday (Wednesday, really, as it’s 1:30). I’m back home and it seems so big compared to my aunt’s flat. There was a postcard from Renata de Castro waiting for me, a miniskirt and the cats (they’ve grown!). The cats have worms, I saw one wiggling out of the cat’s bottom. Back in Rio … Read more

RJ 04/02/1985 Monday

RJ 04/02/1985 Monday I’m leaving tomorrow, thank god. After two days of heat I’ve had enough, I never felt so hot in my life! When we came back from the restaurant, at Barra, the thermometers were saying it was 43c. In the morning Maira went to meet Zezé at some lab and they came back. … Read more